This Sims 2 blog follows the lives of the Nuidya tribespeople of the southern plains, as they try to survive, thrive and figure out what exactly it means to be a dragonspark. Along the way, there'll be drama, romance, utter silliness, high-fantasy worldbuilder rambling and lots of cats. Just watch out for those storm demons - they're sneaky. :)

Friday, December 09, 2011

Getting Back On Track

We interrupt this extended break for... another interruption from me. Yay.

Just to let you all know, I've been having computer problems this past month, so rebuilding and getting my blog back on track have been on hold for longer than I expected. It's all sorted now though, so anyone who reads this can look forward to more updates from KS - er - sometime before New Year, preferably. *hates building*

In other news, while I've been messing about with reinstalls and backups, I've had a lot of time to think about the future of Kulo Seeri - and new blood is desperately needed, since the most distantly related members of the Nuidya tribe are second cousins. So, for the first time in Nuidya history, the hood is allowing outsiders to join the tribe, keeping in mind that it is a tribe, not a suburb of SimCity - we're talking self-sufficiency, horse-drawn carts and no electricity here. (Although they do have indoor plumbing now they're actually somewhere permanent.) Any Sims who are still willing to move to Kulo Seeri knowing that would be welcome. Kenja Sena Seerijata hopes that the new KS will be able to combine the best of both worlds, expanding the hood and allowing more "modern" stuff while still retaining the cultural identity of the tribe.

The next post you read on this blog WILL be a Sim update. Promise.