This Sims 2 blog follows the lives of the Nuidya tribespeople of the southern plains, as they try to survive, thrive and figure out what exactly it means to be a dragonspark. Along the way, there'll be drama, romance, utter silliness, high-fantasy worldbuilder rambling and lots of cats. Just watch out for those storm demons - they're sneaky. :)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Memorial, 135

We interrupt this irregularly scheduled blog for a special announcement from Kulo Seeri.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Unwelcome News, 134

Lluza, winter, 134
Asken is 35; Tia is 35: Briar is 12; Treneskris, Hatiro, Katari, Evrezeya & Kehansen are 3

narrated by Briar

Hey Aralata. I really need to talk to you right now.

You're not going to believe this - you're probably not going to like it either, I know I don't.

My mother came up to me this morning while I was doing my chores, and she told me that...

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Back to Basics

I apologise for the long absence from blogger, everyone - it's been a summer of various illnesses and family drama, not to mention another rebuild, which I'm rambling about on my simblr. (Sometimes it feels like all I ever do is rebuild...)

But that's not quite true - I am playing. Kulo Seeri has just gained a "spinoff series"!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sometimes They Listen, 133

Kulo Seeri, autumn, 133
Anyu z.Avira is 37; Lilac z.Avei is 36; Vedrafe z.Avei is 14; Kanith, Kamiya and Zayash z.Avei are 1

Vedrafe had had just about enough.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Beginnings, 133

Lluza, winter, 133

Arafa and Markal's wedding was approaching fast. The first one to be held in Lluza, and to be honest Arafa wasn't quite sure she was ready for Markal's kids being around all the time as well as her own.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Lot to Talk About, 133

VT says: Hi everyone! I'll be away for the month of June (again) but I wanted to get one more post up before then.
Since my last story post, the Pets & Apartment Life Sim Bin premades managed to slip into Kulo Seeri, and half the tribe left due to overcrowding, heading further north and establishing the village of Lluza.
Anyway... here, have an update. I won't be around to post any more until July, but I will be taking screenshots for future posts during what little Sim time I get. :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Maisie and Shannon - I'm really honoured that my little blog got two nominations, it totally made my day when I found out! Thank you Shannon & Maisie! You two really deserve your awards and thank you for nominating me. Always great to discover new blogs, too... I will definitely be checking out your other nominees' blogs!

Accepting the nomination comes with these conditions:
1. Post the award on your blog.

2. Thank the blogger who presented the award and link back to their blog.

3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers whom you feel deserve this award and have fewer than or equal to 3,000 followers.

4. Answer 11 questions posted by the nominator, and ask your nominees 11 questions.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kulo Seeri Lorebooks, 131-132

Well, I got too far ahead with playing and not enough picture taking... so here's the Kulo Seeri equivalent of an end-of-year newspaper article. Next season's updates will be at least semi-regular. :)

Summer 132 saw a huge baby boom in Kulo Seeri: four pregnancies resulted in the birth of eight babies.

Arafa Herendez and Nathan Gorski welcomed a son, Kelam Herendez, not long after their daughter Sasha became a toddler. Despite being parents twice over, as well as getting constant nagging from the elders, Nathan seems to be in no hurry to settle down. Rumour has it that Arafa has been getting closer to Markal Go... is this why?

Lilac zan-Avei and Anyu zan-Avira are now the parents of triplets, son Kanith and daughters Tsayash and Kamiya. "It was unexpected to say the least", says Lilac, "but it's brought a little joy back into our lives after losing two of our older children."

Zareb zan-Ace and Kim Yoo have also welcomed triplet daughters Cassia, Para and Nenash. Older sister, Prisa Yoo (7) says "They're the sweetest little babies ever!". Her twin brother Anan says "It's impossible to tell which one's Cassia and which one's Nenash."

Claire Ursine, who immigrated from TS3-era Sunset Valley a few years ago, and Shansam Herendez now have a little girl, Renee Ursine. Renee is the first baby with Sena Yuleng's lizard features to be born in over sixty years. "I'm glad I don't have to explain this to the hospital staff!" Claire commented.


Shansam and Claire, who have been best friends since Shansam's student days at Sims University, have decided to get married following the birth of their daughter. The wedding is set for Spring 135. Shansam's half-alien son Kuvato (4) says: "Yuck."


A rat infestation in Teal Camp brought illness to the village in late spring, 131. Although our healers managed to stop it spreading further, Kifsina and Kitira zan-Avei both died of the disease. Lilac and Anyu wish they could have been there to meet their new siblings.

The tribe also lost its oldest member towards the end of Summer. Casey zan-Ellen died peacefully in his sleep aged 82, leaving behind his wife Li, granddaughter Natabu and great-grandchildren Lily and Gareth. Li says: "He was a very supportive man - he never minded about Hestrie, or Shansam."

Age Transitions

Asken, Tia and Briar zan-Ace's visit to TS4 resulted in the birth of the first ever Nuidya quintuplets. Three boys, Treneskris, Hatiro and Kehansen, and two girls, Katari and Evrezeya, have been driving their parents crazy for an entire year now. The quins celebrated their first birthday towards the end of spring. "They're even more of a handful now!" says Tia.

This summer, 13 year old Zakash Yoo became the first Nuidya in history to sleep through half of her own rite of passage. The ceremony was a very rushed event as a result. Zakash intends to leave Kulo Seeri when she's older, and would like to apply to an interhood university one day.

Next up: Winter 133 and more regular updates!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Love Troubles, Spring 131

Spring 131
Markal Go is 34; Abina & Kenda zan-Avira are 10; Moluu zan-Ace is 7

The last few months had been hard on Markal's family.

Abina had lost her sight last winter, and Aralata and Kitira had left for Teal Camp not long after the first spring thaws. The family was still struggling with a lack of food and resources from a fire just before the older twins moved out. They'd had help from the rest of the tribe, but even with two fewer mouths to feed it was clear that they barely had enough to get by. Markal's mother, who had come from SimNation as a young woman, would have called them "broke".

And then, less than a month ago, Zade had walked out. After that, it felt like nothing would ever recover.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Outside the Wall part 1, Spring 131

VT says: Welcome to the first official story post of the new KS! I'm trying another new rotation style, where I play each household as I feel like it rather than to a specific schedule, and I have to say this lot has had more than its fair share of play time this season already. Let me show you why...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Birthday Special: Mission to TS4

Sorry for disappearing again, everyone. You know how it is when everyday stuff gets in the way of blogging, right? Anyway, Sunday was my birthday, and that means it's (slightly late) special post time!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

You know I can't stay away.

So I've had some thinking time while my trusty sidekick Titania (that's weird-person-who-names-inanimate-objects-speak for "my computer") has been away for repairs. And I've come to four conclusions.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Not an easy post... more ways than one. In light of the recent maxismightve trigger warning debate on tumblr, I thought I needed to finally come out and say it: My TS2 playstyle is caught between the conflict between what I really want my game to be like and what I feel I can get away with portraying in a blog, as well as a major life decision I made over the new year.