This Sims 2 blog follows the lives of the Nuidya tribespeople of the southern plains, as they try to survive, thrive and figure out what exactly it means to be a dragonspark. Along the way, there'll be drama, romance, utter silliness, high-fantasy worldbuilder rambling and lots of cats. Just watch out for those storm demons - they're sneaky. :)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Swift Warning, 1 NSR

Freshwater Moon, 1 NSR.

Despite Etan's best efforts, the rumours about the zan-Ku clan being possessed or cursed had spread throughout Kulo Seeri. Mahali was confined to her tent after yet another random attack on an unsuspecting sim, while Sophos and Kenan mostly kept to themselves - which was not like them at all.

On top of all that, Jethro had hardly been seen since the random attacks had started. Medeia's story about him and the spirit in the lamp only increased the amount of speculation about what exactly was going on. 
Brain's Night had come and gone without any of the zan-Ku siblings - except Melchol - turning up for the celebrations. The rumours grew wilder with every passing day.