This Sims 2 blog follows the lives of the Nuidya tribespeople of the southern plains, as they try to survive, thrive and figure out what exactly it means to be a dragonspark. Along the way, there'll be drama, romance, utter silliness, high-fantasy worldbuilder rambling and lots of cats. Just watch out for those storm demons - they're sneaky. :)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Ancestors' Day, 128

I finally got KS back to a playable state yesterday! Since there hasn't been much time for stories to develop yet, here are some pictures of the Nuidya equivalent of Halloween, the Ancestors' Day festival.

Monday, October 27, 2014

And we're back!

August 27th: Depressed VT is depressed. *goes on hiatus*

Two months and many disgusting tablets later: Hey everyone! I come bearing rambly announcements!